Noetikon of Light (7)Full unit name: Noetikon of Light
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:34:24
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Model/Type: Noetikon
Known Facts (9)
The Flow of Goods (5) »
  • Was imprinted with knowledge and personality of Nomi Da'Boda
  • Was imprinted with knowledge and personality of Noab Hulis
  • Was imprinted with knowledge and personality of Wole Vahn
  • Was acquired by Barsen'thor's Followers
  • Imprinted personalities interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Noab Hulis
    Welcome, Jedi. It is wonderful to see a face so young pursuing knowledge of the light. You honor us.
    My Master, Yuon Par, is very sick. I'm looking for a way to help her.
    Noab Hulis
    How terrible that your occasion for consulting us is so tragic. This is the Noetikon of Light. We are the Masters who devoted their lives to mystical and historical studies.
    Wole Vahn
    If you seek learning, we will aid you as best as we can.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Tell us what you know of this affliction, and we will scour our combined knowledge for an answer....
    Nomi Sunrider
    This is most unusual.
    Noab Hulis
    And very troubling.
    Wole Vahn
    We've searched our considerable knowledge, and compared data from the Noetikon of Science.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This illness you've described - it's more like a kind of mind control.
    How could anyone control the mind of such a powerful Jedi?
    Nomi Sunrider
    Our understanding of the matter is limited. We truly wish we could be of more help.
    Wole Vahn
    It's most like the Jedi trick of persuading weak minds through the Force, except Yuon's tormenter is distant, and her mind hardly weak.
    If someone is doing this to her, how would we locate them?
    Nomi Sunrider
    Well, you could ask-
    Wole Vahn
    No! Nomi! You can't be serious!
    Noab Hulis
    What is the matter, Master Wole? I think Nomi Da-Boda knows best of all of us.
    Wole Vahn
    I don't dispute her wisdom, but the Noetikon of Secrets is the gateway to dark things. If the mind is not properly prepared to face them--
    I will use caution, Master Wole.
    Wole Vahn
    I suppose we don't really have any other options, do we?
    I'll be fine.
    Wole Vahn
    You see what I mean?
    Noab Hulis
    Have compassion, you've heard this Jedi's cause. The Noetikon of Secrets is not dark, though some of its secrets are.
    Go. Bring what we have discovered to the Noetikon of Secrets. Its Masters will guide you.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Ancient Secrets (4) »
  • Was imprinted with knowledge and personality of Nomi Sunrider
  • Was imprinted with knowledge and personality of Noab Hulis
  • Was imprinted with knowledge and personality of Wole Vahn
  • Imprinted personalities interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This is it--the database where the ritual that can shield your Master from the plague is kept.
    Vandar Tokare
    A stellar work, one part computer, one part holocron. Truly ingenious.
    Noab Hulis
    Masters, you know why we've gathered.
    The Jedi Order is imperiled by an ancient plague - one that warps the minds of even the wisest of Masters and turns them to the dark side.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This young Jedi has stepped forward in search of a way to help her ailing Master and save the Jedi Order.
    Bastila Shan
    But it cannot be done without our help.
    Vandar Tokare
    Millennia ago, a powerful ritual was developed to shield the Jedi from the power of this ancient plague.
    Tharis Orne
    The ritual cut off the plaguemaster from his victims, but it exacted a great price from the healer who wielded it.
    Jesper Altax
    It is once again necessary for someone to use the ritual.
    Wole Vahn
    The ritual is a difficult one to learn, Jedi, and will take many hours of deep meditation and study.
    Arca Jeth
    Are you ready to learn it?
    Yes. I am ready, Master.
    Bastila Shan
    Then open your mind, and we will teach you....
    Arca Jeth
    You seem to have mastered everything we have to show you, Jedi.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Such a bright, inquisitive mind. It has been an honor to teach you.
    Vandar Tokare
    But remember - the shielding ritual will draw on your strength, and you can only regain what you've spent when the plaguemaster's bond with his victims is broken.
    How do I break the bond between plaguemaster and victim?
    Death was what broke the hold of the original plaguemaster, Terrak Morrhage. But there may be another way.
    Noab Hulis
    You now have the knowledge you need to save your Master. Use it wisely and well, and may the Force be with you.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Bastila Shan, Jesper Altax, Chamma, Arca Jeth, Tharis Orne, Vandar Tokare
The Noetikon of Light was a treasured Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
artifact by the time of the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
. It was one of a number of Noetikons
, Holocron-style devices that were imprinted with the knowledge, wisdom and personality of the greatest Jedi Masters
Jedi Master
in the Order. The artifact contained the personalities of Jedi Masters Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn, and Nomi Da'Boda.
It was stored in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant
until the Great Galactic War. During the Sacking of Coruscant
Sacking of Coruscant
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, the temple was destroyed and the Noetikons were lost. The artifact was obtained by members of the Black Sun
Black Sun
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and surgically implanted into a smuggler
affiliated with the crime syndicate to be smuggled of Coruscant. It was discovered
The Flow of Goods
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
by Barsen'thor
Major Characters
while on a mission to cure Yuon Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
of a mysterious illness. After a brief consultation, the three masters were unable to think of a cure for the illness and recommended that Barsen'thor and Qyzen Fess
Qyzen Fess
Supporting Characters
pursue the Noetikon of Secrets
Noetikon of Secrets


See also
Known imprinted personalities
Nomi Sunrider
Noab Hulis
Wole Vahn
Complete list

Full unit name: Noetikon of Light Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:34:24